One mother said, “I have lived in this community for more than 40 years and 32 years ago we were promised water. This has always been our dream and today it is a reality. I have brought my daughter here today so that she can witness this dream that has come true. Every day we had to walk two kilometers to get fresh water. She tapped on her heart and gently put her arm around her daughter's shoulder and said, “I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now, my children will not have to wait many more years for fresh water, and they will not have to walk a great distance to wash or to get a drink. You have changed our lives forever and words cannot express what is in our hearts toward you.”
At the school site, hundreds gathered to celebrate this auspicious occasion – a day that the children of Bejucalito will never forget. They now have a school and a library to call heir own. A place to be proud of – a place of learning that will give them the tools they need to succeed. The children sang songs for the visiting group and Mayor Beto and his wife were very moved as with tears in his eyes Ken said, “Denada” (you’re welcome) to all of the people who clapped and cheered. In short, it was a very emotional day for the Canadians who had travelled up the mountain to show two communities how much they really care.